Kagando Rural Community Microfinance (KARUCOM) is a community based financial organization established in 2002 to effect the extension of credit to the poor, especially women. Since its inception, KARUCOM has provided flexible, small, short-term loans for those who do not have collateral to qualify them for those who do not have collateral to qualify them for financial assistance from conventional sources. It offers business or agricultural start-up or expansion money to individuals and groups. It also provides ongoing education in business, book keeping. The program is funded by interest on loans, local investors and contributions. It has achieved a 95% compliance rate for first time loan recipients especially karudec staff and is making a significant contribution to the economic vitality of the communities served.


KARUCOM also provides quality financial services and promotes a savings culture. Planning for the future is not and inherent trait in the community. One of the activities, which is very popular with donors, is the Animal revolving project to the disabled 3 groups in Kisinga, Kyondo and Munkunyu. Young animals are given to needy families and individuals. The recipients are instructed in their care and breeding. In turn, the recipients give the firstborn female to another designated person or family as payment for the animal received. In this way, in sequence, others benefit from the original gift. This ongoing process enables many to become self-sufficient livestock entrepreneurs. Profits realized provide for household needs, including school tuition fees, and funds to start up an enterprise.