The Rt Rev Nason Baluku, the Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese visited Kagando Rural Development Center (KARUDEC) on 30th May 2024.
Over 70 Christians were confirmed in Anglican Church of Ugandan Faith. These were students from Kagando School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kagando Primary School, SAAD memorial Secondary School and others from the surrounding KARUDEC community.

During his visit, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Nason Baluku prayed for over 360 students who were in their final semester and would sit for their final exams in the Month of June, 2024. These students were pursuing different study courses as below:

  • Diploma in Nursing Direct
  • Diploma in Midwifery Direct
  • Diploma in Nursing Extension
  • Diploma in Midwifery Extension
  • Diploma in Medical laboratory technology
  • Certificate in Nursing
  • Certificate in Midwifery
  • Certificate in Medical laboratory techniques
  • Certificate in Medical Theatre techniques

  • The Bishop commissioned 18 heads of laity for different FLICKS in Kagando School of Nursing and Midwifery.

  • During the function, the Executive Director of KARUDEC Rev. Can. Dr. Uzziah Maate Kiriaghe informed the congregation that Kagando School of Allied Health Sciences will start many other allied courses like a Diploma in Clinical medicine in August, 2024.
  • The diocese of South Rwenzori will start construction of a main University Hostel in August 2024. This will provide a comfortable accommodation to the University learners who shall come to study at our UCU Kagando University college. It will be called Bishop Zebedee K. Masereka Hostel. The ground breaking of the Hostel and commissioning of the University Project is expected to be in August 2024 and the chief Guest shall be His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
  • This University college will be the center of Excellence in training Medical professional courses in Uganda and it is planned to start registering students in August this year in different study fields like;
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Midwifery
  • Bachelor of Medical Laboratory techniques
  • Etc

The UCU Kagando University college will also have other courses like:

  • Bachelor in Primary Education
  • Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education
  • Bachelor in Theology
  • Business administration
  • Social and Social Administration
  • Public Administration
  • Etc

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