Historic Background

The hospital started training laboratory microscopists in 1970’s and in 1994, started training laboratory attendants who would be given a certificate. In 2011 KARUDEC started a training school to train a certificate and a diploma in medical laboratory technology which are courses recognised by ministry of public service of the republic of Uganda. The school started a total number of 13 students, with 2 diploma and 9 certificate students. The school was then affiliated to Mengo Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Technology where students would go to sit their UAHEB semester exams. The school had only one full time teacher and the rest were on part time basis.

In 2013 the school was licenced by Ministry of Education and Sports to offer a Certificate course in Medical Laboratory Techniques and by then the number of students increased.

In 2016 a licence to start training a certificate in Medical Theatre Techniques was given to the school which also started with 21 pioneering students.

In 2017 the school was permitted and licenced to start training a Diploma Course in Medical laboratory technology which also started with 20 students.


A centre of professional excellence in the pearl of Africa


To produce holistically trained, qualified, competent and certified Allied Health workers, for quality health service delivery to the community.


Discover the unknown for quality care.



  • Commitment to excellence. We guarantee dependable results for clinical judgement
  • Respect for human dignity. We believe that human beings are created in God’s image and therefore deserve respect.
  • Team work, we believe that together we achieve more.
  • Equity. We seek to train all people without discrimination
  • Servant hood. Using our positions to build others, loving them as we love our selves.
  • Professionalism. We love and cherish the competence and skills expected of a professional.
  • Christian evangelical principles: We uphold principles of faithfulness, commitment, justice, peace among all stakeholders.

Our Courses

Courses offered at present

  1. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology 3 years
  2. Certificate in Medical Laboratory Techniques 2 years
  3. Certificate in Medical Theatre Techniques 2 years


  1. Diploma in Clinical Medicine
  2. Diploma in Pharmacy
  3. Diploma in Physiotherapy
  4. Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine/Technology
  5. Diploma in Medical Records
  6. Certificate in Medical Records
  7. Certificate in Pharmacy

Office Tel: +256483660110
Principal: +256774096030
Location: The school is located at Kagando Hospital, Rwenzori region, western Uganda Kisinga town council

School governance:

  1. The Board of governors:

This is the supreme governing body of the entire KARUDEC that sets and approves policies, checks and balances to ensure that the school fulfils its mandate to operate. The Board has different board committees that is, the board committee of finance, board committee of Education, Board committee of human resource.

The Education Board committee is supervises the training schools and is chaired by Rev. Canon Jehoshaphat Bwalhuma, who is currently the Desean Secretary of South Rwenzori Diocese. He worked as KARUDEC Chaplain and Administrator from 1996 to 2005 and 2005 to 2012 respectively.

  1. Executive management:

This is headed by KARUDEC Executive Director (E.D), Rev. Canon Dr Benson Baguma (PHD). He is the chief coordinator all administrative and public relations of KARUDEC sectors.

  1. Governing council:

This is the supreme body that over sees the school activities and ensures that set policies are being implemented.
It is chaired by Dr. Rob Morris.


Kindly download the  application form below to  study at Kagando School of Allied Health Sciences: